we have all been there, someone looks at you funny when you say you're a Norse pagan. people call us Wannabe Vikings, Larpers, posers, and worst of all White Supremacists. We aren't these things due to our religion (though I do enjoy a good larp every now and then) we are viewed negatively because bad press is REALLY bad press. so what can we do as Heathens to enjoy our time Venerating the gods? I've just spent my weekend at Busiek State Park in SW Missouri. during my little weekend sabbatical i set up an outdoor altar and Made a blot to Jord. it felt AMAZING, the birds singing their songs the cool breeze rustling the leaves. i could truly feel the Landvaetir and the gods there with me as i did my walkabout. witch leads me to my point. if you live in a home where you are unable to or Prevented from doing your ritual and ceremony a fantastic way to circumvent these issues is put together a small portable altar, it doesn't have to be fancy, as a matter of fact you can order Pocket altars from Awaken the North (AND they'll send one to one of our active duty service members for free with your order!) or simply go to the Dollar Store, buy some candles, get a small stone or wood offering bowl, a 6-8 inch Drinking horn, and run to a hobby or crasft store and drop 18 bucks on a large wooden box (like the one pictured below,) and go to the walking park, a slitary blot will take 5 minutes of your time and then youre done!, as for an offering, you can leave a solo cup of mead and a little food offering setting on your "altar" space, a simple offering or blot takes minimal equipment and could easily be transported in a small chest the size of a laptop computer an half the weight! dont let Christian or non-religious people get in the wey of your faith Brothers and Sisters. Hold your hammer High and shout so that all the 9 worlds can hear. "I am a Heathen, Follower of the old ways and Honorer of my Ancestors. you will not overpower me!" stay Heathen Proud Folks, and until next time, Skal.
How can I practice my faith when I live in a home that wont let me? - Chieftain Haffœddr
Updated: Apr 14, 2021